Monday, July 26, 2010

Slip 'N Slide

In any high stakes match up of competitive of slip 'n slide, style counts. You be the judge, the votes will be tallied...who should walk away the champion?


  1. My, my, what a difficult decision! Both men are so . . . um . . . manly on the Slip-N-Slide.

    I think in the end I have to cast my vote for Pat. The rock-n-roll face/hand gesture (which occurred mere moments before he crashed on his ass, I'm sure) are quite classy.

    From the looks of it, though, both men consider themselves quite the champions.

  2. By the way, kudos to the photographer!! These are great!!

  3. i have received a few individual votes and comments that i thought were only fair to pass on:

    Sarah and Doug vote Pat for his standing pose (though in all fairness, I do have a pic of Pete standing too, so perhaps I should submit it before final votes are cast).

    Steve - too close to call

    Seth "looks like a zima commercial"

  4. I think Pat looks like he is having the most fun!
